Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trust, What a Mountain Thou Art

This is my life, it is not what I thought it would be

So what shall I do, just sit, regret and waste time?

Complaining about my troubles, find a way to make it rhyme

Or is perhaps the answer buried deeper in the sand

To find an answer, I must take His open hand

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Helpless But Not Hopeless

Only in the human brain can something so intangible and seemingly insignificant as emotion control every single thing we do.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lost in Despair, or Lost in Aspiration?

  When amidst what we might call problems and diversity, it is easy to sit back and observe that your life is not what you thought it would be.  Nothing has gone according to plan and everything has blown up in your face.  In such a trying circumstance, one can easily justify to themselves self-pity, moaning and groaning, and moping around so that everyone notices just how awful you have it.  But I suggest a secondary route. You won't get anywhere nearer to what you want life to be if you sit around moping and do nothing about it.  Don't be lost in despair.  Get lost in aspiration. 

  "For if the most vile inhabitants of Hell were to be released tonight
  There is nothing I cannot do with Yahweh almighty on my side"