Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Sleeping Giant

  I have a lot to say and I'm not really sure how to begin.  A lot has been going on in the last couple of weeks and my brain has been firing on all cylinders, thinking about a thousand things at once.  I guess you could say that I feel like I'm lost on Hoth, nothing but solid white in all directions and as I've been trying to follow a path, I've realized that I've been using the wrong map from the start.

  What kind of world do you want?  That's a tricky question, I know.  I like to envision worlds outside of our  own realities.  It's what motivates me to be a writer and what makes me a sci-fi and fantasy nerd.  But I've thought about this in a new light: what would I change about our world?  I can tell what I would want in our world: a world where God's special union of marriage is held in honor, unadulterated and unperverted; a world where people are more concerned with the effects of their influences than the enjoyment of them; a world where people don't ask what can do but instead what is best; a world where a person cannot make any observation without being met with a connection to God by a neighbor; a world where good is rewarded and encouraged and evil is punished and discouraged; a world where people are obsessed with the Bible instead of Justin Beiber, Twilight, or The Hunger Games; a world where myself and people like me can proclaim the truth and not be afraid; a world where we truly look at everything through Christianity's lens; that is the world that I want.

  I realize that many of you have very similar dreams for our world.  These are not things that are really unique or original, they are things that we want.  So why do we seem farther and farther away from this the longer that time goes on?  People offer a variety of reasons.  The most common is an answer of utter defeat. It sounds something like this: "this world is evil.  It always has been and it always will be.  Satan has a foothold in the world and so it will continue being evil, and it's too big for me or you or anyone else to do anything about it."  Let me be blunt.  That's about as good of an explanation as saying lightning happens because Thor is angry.  It's true that Satan has a foothold in the world.  It's true that there has been sin in the world since the fall and that there will be until Christ comes back.  But it doesn't explain why marriage was respected in the 1950's, why we used to say prayers in our schools, and why we used to have a God-centered society.  Something changed, and I'll tell you what it is: we shut up.  Somewhere along the line we either got burned or saw somebody else get burned while standing up for the truth and we decided that we were going to save ourselves the trouble.  We got pushed around and we buttoned our lips and have tried to keep our heads down ever since; and if you have been told that there is nothing that you can do that will make a difference in the world, you have been lied to.

  Last Spring, Kirk Cameron made some comments regarding homosexuality on the Piers Morgan show that made national news.  He was labeled as homophobic and was portrayed as someone hating gay people, all because he believed that homosexuality was damaging to society as a perversion of God's plan.  He was attacked for weeks.  Recently Mike Huckabee gave his comments on the shooting in CT and said that if we had not so entirely removed God from our society, perhaps we would have spared ourselves such horrible consequences.  The lash he has received has been drastic; some have said he should not be allowed to speak on the air ever again.  Both of these individuals remained firm in what they said and many have been encouraged as a result.  Let me issue a challenge: what would happen if we all decided to not keep quiet anymore and become passionate about our faith.  What if Mike Huckabee and Kirk Cameron weren't alone?  What would happen?  I daresay if we all stopped caring so much about the next cat video on Youtube and who's going to win the Superbowl and started caring more about serving God, I am brave enough to say He would give us all of the power and resources to change the world we live in.  I dare you to prove me wrong.

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