It has always amazed me how much we as human beings
can take things for granted. I remember
being at my great-grandfather’s funeral nine years ago and saying that I didn’t
realize how much I loved him until he was gone.
Unfortunately, I usually have to learn this lesson the hard way. It isn’t until something’s been taken away
from me that I often realize how much I underutilized it and underappreciated
it. Thankfully, I have come to one of
those realizations ahead of time tonight.
At services tonight, we did something a little bit
different. We had a prayer service. Each person praying was assigned a different
topic. The topics included praise and
thanksgiving, the sick, struggles of all kinds, young Christians, the elderly, and
edification. The end result for me was
very emotional. As we as a congregation
were praying to God and giving Him praise and thanking Him for all that He has
done, it was nearly overwhelming. The
more I think about God’s involvement and the evidences of His presence in my
life, the more I realize that I haven’t really responded with the kind of
dedication as should be natural. I’ve
asked God for a lot of things in my life.
He’s given me some of those things.
I haven’t truly been grateful all of the time. I may not have scorned His blessings, but I
also haven’t recognized that I’m nobody in comparison to God. Anything and everything that I do in the
kingdom that has any positive result I only have because God has empowered me
to be able to do it. God doesn’t need
me. I do need God; and for some reason, I haven’t been talking to Him that
Prayer has got to be one of the most underutilized
privileges in the history of mankind.
Prayers have brought down kingdoms, ended droughts, saved the lives of
millions, granted wisdom, given children to the barren, rescued many from
temptation, and rescued many in times of peril.
Yet for some reason, I still find myself having to push myself to pray
many days. Why? Maybe because it is humbling.
Prayer forces me to realize that I’m nobody. It forces me to realize that everything that
I’ve ever done that has done anybody a shred of good is insignificant in
comparison to what God has done for me and for the entire human race. But guess what? That’s good for me. Mankind was not made to focus on themselves
and what they can get for themselves.
They were made to serve God and aspire to be as much like Him and
emulate His character as much as we possibly can. The encouraging thing is that with God as our
Father and our encourager, we could get a lot closer if we would just let God
work with us.
The result from the prayer service tonight is very
emotionally based. That might mean that it won’t stick, but I hope that isn’t
true. I’m using this to motivate me to
be more dedicated to God and building a closer relationship with Him this week
than I was last week; to be more dedicated tomorrow than I have been
today. I hope you will make the same
your goal.
"If you read history you will
find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely
those who thought most of the next." - C.S. Lewis
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