Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our Post-Apocalyptic Present

  Imagine rubble all around you.  There is no sign of green terrain within your view.  You look around at what once was the city of Washington, D.C.  Not a single structure remains standing.  Not houses, not offices, not a single building.  Your own clothes are torn and ragged and your shoes have holes in them, evidence to the desperate nature of your current situation.  You step over the rubble and call out in the streets, hoping someone will hear you, but no one does.  Oh, they are in the city.  But they don't hear you.  They are all soundly asleep, comfortable in their current surroundings.

The situation I just described to you is bleak, alright.  In fact, we as a people are so afraid of such a situation that it has become the topic of countless books and movies, creating a sense of fear and seat-gripping thrills. Because we are afraid of being alone.  We were created with such a desire.  God Himself said it is not good for man to be alone.  But I fear that the same urge that unites us will be the very one that destroys us.

This is not simply a story, it is reality.  Too many Christians have lain down and gone to sleep, content to say that they are incapable of fighting the world.  In doing so, we have waved the white flag and surrendered to sinful modern culture to such an extent that some Christians are not content to lay down and give up the fight, but are joining the other side, and some even citing it as God's will!  Earlier this year there was an annual conference held in the United Kingdom by an organization called LGCM: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement.  Read that again.  Read it again.  Something feels wrong about that sentence, right?  How did we get so far off?

Leonard Ravenhill, an evangelist and author, once said, "The world has lost the power to blush over its vice; the Church has lost her power to weep over it."  We no longer think that sin is something to be distressed about.  If I may go a step further than Mr. Ravenhill, the world has lost the power to blush over its vice; the Church has lost its power to resist chasing after it.

The reason for this post?  It's time for an awakening.  To those who are wandering the streets, looking for fellow comrades, its time to grab some megaphones and scream as loud as we can in the streets.  It's time the dedicated Christians stopped shutting up and give us and our children a fighting chance in the raging war that is being waged against Christianity.  Christians assemble.

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