Thursday, February 21, 2013

Even the Blind Man Sees the Beast

A knowledgeable friend told me last summer that the Pornography makes more money in any given year that the professional sports industry.  It is a powerful and ravenous monster that devours more victims each year.  Think I’m exaggerating?  Here’s another statistic: the average age of introduction of pornography is 10 to 11 years old.  That debunks two misconceptions: first that pornography users are dirty old men, and second, that pornography is only used by those perverted enough to go looking for it.  I’ve been told that scientific research shows that viewing sexual material releases chemicals in the brain that are similar to those released when a drug user is high.  What that translates to is that it creates a similar addiction as to drugs.  When you put two and two together, that means that innocent ten and eleven year olds are quickly finding themselves addicted to internet pornography.  Contrary to popular belief, this is far from a victimless crime.  It is even drawing children into the pummeling airline cruiser, headed for disaster, reducing men and women alike to nothing more than objects to be used for pleasure and animals responding to mindless impulse.

So how did we get here?  This is quite an ugly situation, and as we learned in history class as kids, years ago it was considered shameful for a woman to show her ankles.  Radical transitions like this don’t happen overnight.  The explanation is actually far less complicated than you might think at first glance.
In 1859, Charles Darwin released his infamous book The Origin of Species.  I doubt we will ever fully grasp how radically Mr. Darwin changed the world, especially American culture.  I do not mean this as a compliment.  Regardless of the science of his theory, the gravity of its implications are severe, for it declares boldly that mankind is no more than another mammal in the animal kingdom.  We respond to impulse just like every other creature in existence.  We are animals.  Inevitably, when we accepted macroevolution, we began to act like animals. 

In the early 1900s, along came Sigmund Freud.  Even if we forget about his abundant use of cocaine (both for himself and his patients), Freud’s ideas, when looked at sincerely and honestly, necessitate the itching of the scalp.  He forgets about the innocence of children altogether, and was the father of “psychosexual development,” which basically means that people in each stage of their life (even infancy) have a fixation on some object of pleasure, which as a whole is unapologetically sexual in nature.  As if that wasn’t enough, Freud further said that the only reason we control our sexual desires is for social acceptance.  So not only are we as mankind animals, but the only reason we control ourselves is so that we won’t be ostracized. 

The third piece of the puzzle is the most disturbing.  In the mid 1900s, Alfred Kinsey came onto the scene.  Most of his “legacy” I won’t even mention simply because it would be more graphic that what is necessary to make my point.  Here’s an overview: Kinsey was a “scientist” who studied human sexuality and relied heavily upon Freud. The difference, however, is this: while Freud said that we restrain ourselves for social acceptance, Kinsey wanted to eliminate that factor.  In his perfect world, unrestrained sexuality would not have negative social connotations.  To give you just a brief idea of how extreme his immorality was, he was a married man who filmed and participated in the recording of pornography, as did his wife.  The horrifying truth is not only was he regarded as a legitimate scientist, but he founded a research institute for sex at Indiana University, which is now called the Kinsey Research Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.  That leads us to today, when not only are humans seen as animals who only restrain their sexual impulses because of social consequences, but the Kensians are working to eradicate those social consequences altogether. 

As I said earlier, pornography is a ravenous and merciless monster, but it is also only one facet to the problem.  As the sexual liberation movement moves forward and gains more ground every day, morality, integrity, and human dignity shrinks at an alarming rate.  I hope I have your attention; because unless become vocal about morality and integrity, things will only get worse.  Freedom of speech is the most underutilized freedom that we have in this country.  Many believe that we are outnumbered by those calling for sexual liberation.  I’m not so convinced.  It might be that we have the numbers, but they’ve got the loudest voice.  Either way, it’s time we found out.  Speak up.  For our sakes and for our children's.

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