Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Pharisee Denomination

It’s Wednesday.  Why do I mention that?  Because it’s the day after Tuesday. 

Truth is, I needed to start with something random and lighthearted because what I’m going to talk about is a serious matter.  Our salvation as Christians could very well depend on how well we grasp this important fact: how do we define a strong spiritual life? 

I realize that is an extremely broad question.  We could talk about any number of specific aspects of this, but I’m not going to do that.  Instead, I’m going to talk about the general philosophy and hey emphasize exclusively on knowing the scripture and praying to God.  Don’t get me wrong, I think that reading and knowing the scripture is a vital part to being a Christian.  I believe that praying is a vital part to being a Christian (hopefully you pray on a daily basis), but that’s not the ultimate goal.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven but he who does the will of my father who is in heaven.”  The goal is not to know things for the sake of knowing things and feeling justified because we went through our checklist for the week, but the point is knowing things so that we can know what it is that God wants us to do.  Being a Christian is not an intellectual feat (as though we were to be living in monasteries), but it is a lifestyle that is full of action.  So my ultimate question is this: when someone asks you how you are doing spiritually, do you base your answer only on how much you’ve read the Bible and prayed?  Or do you also base it on what you’ve done for God?  Make it your goal to do things for God, not just know things about God.

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