Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Voice I've Been Waiting For

So, I’ve been a bit of a sour patch lately.  I decided it was time for something to lift my spirits a little bit.  So I came back to a video that I saw a while back. I encourage you to watch this, even if you manage to read my entire post.  Kirk Cameron was brought on Piers Morgan to talk about his documentary, “Monumental.”  However, it didn’t take long for the wolf to rip off his sheep’s clothing.  It soon became an attack on Kirk Cameron’s moral beliefs, especially his views on homosexuality.  Kirk remained calm and collected and simply said that he believed it was destructive and unnatural behavior.  Now, what was especially low was that Piers Morgan, having made a few comments during that conversation with Kirk Cameron, waited until Kirk Cameron was gone and brought another “expert” on stage, and there they crucified Kirk Cameron, making a mockery of his archaic ideas.  Piers Morgan specifically said he had no idea “how he could say he hates people that are born that way.”  Hold the phone.  Kirk said homosexuality is destructive and unnatural.  He never said anything about hating anybody (and we’ll overlook the fact that the “gay gene” was scientifically proven to be false years ago). 
I’m doing it again.  Negativity aside, there’s a side of this that is really cool. Even though Kirk Cameron has received a mountain of criticism for this, he has never, not once, backed down on his stand nor apologized for his comments.  In a society that is broadening the definitions of hate speech every day, it is refreshing to see someone who is willing to stand for the truth, no matter what the consequences.  Let’s take this and use to help us to see that we are not alone.  I have been crying in the abandoned streets, hoping someone will yell back.  Someone has, and on national television at that.  Take a stand.  Now.

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